Driven by our business ideology of operating “not just for profit, but for service to humanity” EFU offers a diversified range of financial planning solutions to meet an individual’s life needs and affordability.
Considered as pioneers in the life insurance business, EFU Life has always spearheaded unique ideas in the industry. The Concept of unit linking was first introduced in 1994 by us. Today, life business is primarily unit linked.
EFU Life has introduced life benefits for the first time in Pakistan and launched products such as Critical Illness Products, Education Planning Products and Pension Plans. We were the first Company to be licensed by Securities & Exchange Commission of Pakistan to operate our Window Family Takaful operations.
Other milestones include:
"Upholding the spirit of doing better every year, we are dedicated to bring new groundbreaking innovation and in doing so, are laying vital groundwork for the benefit of Pakistan’s young, upcoming generations."
VIS Rating
Rs. 190 Billion+
3.85 Billion
8 Million+
VIS Rating
Rs. 190 Billion+
3.85 Billion
8 Million+